Thermocompressor is type of an ejector which uses Jet of High Pressure Steam as Motive Force to Entrain Low-pressure Steam to discharge Steam at Intermediate Pressure to be used in Process.
Variable Nozzle Thermocompressor have Pneumatically or Electrically controlled internals to control discharge pressure or flow, when Suction Pressure or Discharge Conditions are varying with time.
Thermocompressors can be used wherever Steam Pressure is being reduced in a PRV or PRS.
Media can be Steam, Gases, Water, Thermicfluid etc
Thermocompressor are available in various sizes and pressure ratings to fit operating conditions and customer specifications with IBR Certificates.
German Technology
Since 1896, Over 120 Years of Proven Track Record for Heating Cooling Solutions, Production Improvements & Savings.
100% German Manufacturing & Technology combined with Stringent Quality Control result in ensured Savings and Peace of Mind for Maintenance & Operation.
System is Applicable to all type of Steam Installations. Benefit from our years of experience!
LIVE Steam Consumption Reduction
Variable Nozzle ThermoCompressor (JETOMAT 590) can Save Upto 10-15% of Live Steam Consumption by Reusing Low Pressure Flash Steam and Re-compressing it to Required Process Steam Pressure.
Plant Live Steam load is reduced by same amount as amount of Flash Steam Re-Compressed. i.e. If 200 Kg/Hr of Flash Steam is Re-compressed in JETOMAT, Plant Live Steam Load Reduces by 200 Kg/H
JETOMAT can deliver steam savings upto 30% and even more in some cases, resulting in a very fast ROI. Simple Installation & Operation ensure lasting benefits for years to come.
JETOMAT helps in reducing live steam load from Boiler Resulting in direct reduction in Fuel, Water & Electricity Consumption or can Increase Capacity of Existing Boiler House.
custom solution
JETOMAT & System Components for every application are custom designed for perfect match of your Process Requirement.
Increases Pressure of LP Steam
Low Pressure Steam Pressure is Increased upto Process Steam Pressure by JETOMAT (Variable Nozzle ThermoCompressor), as many times non-usable LP steam is vented to Atmosphere.
Variable NOZZLE ThermoCompressor
Introducing for the First time in India ThermoCompressor technology with Variable Internal Nozzle, which changes the flow rate to match the Fluctuating Steam load while maximising Falsh Steam Recompression, Making it one of the Best ways for saving Live Steam and Reducing your Production Cost.
1. Thermocompressor (stand-alone)
A : Plant steam load
B : Flash steam
C : Live steam from boiler
Plant Steam load (A) is met using Flash Steam (B) along with Live Steam from Boiler (C), This Results in Saving in Live Steam Quantity equal to the Quantity Flash Steam recompressed and reused.
All of the Steam Load for Plant (A) is delivered from Thermocompressor, while Conventional Steam PRS is not required.
2. Thermocompressor + PRS
a : Plant steam load
b : Flash steam
c : Live Motive steam from boiler
d : Live steam from boiler
Plant Steam load (A) is met using Flash Steam (B) along with Live Steam from Boiler (C & D), This Results in Saving in Live Steam Quantity equal to the Quantity Flash Steam recompressed and reused.
Bulk of the Steam Load for Plant (A) is delivered from Thermocompressor, while PRS is used for Plant Startup, Load Balancing & Makeup steam load in Plant.
3. Double Thermocompressor + PRSs
A & W : Plant steam load @ 2 Different Pressures
B & X : Flash steam
C & Y : Live Motive steam from boiler
D & Z : Live steam from boiler
Plant Steam load (A & W, at two different pressure) is met using Flash Steam (B & X) along with Live Steam from Boiler (C,D & Y,Z), This Results in Saving in Live Steam Quantity equal to the Quantity Flash Steam recompressed and reused.
Bulk of the Steam Load for Plant (A & W) is delivered from Thermocompressor, while two seperate PRSs are used for Plant Startup, Load Balancing & Makeup steam load in Plant.